Student Support
Guidance at Lab
Guidance Counselors:
10th & 12th Grade:
Nicole Israel-
Magda Samborska-Murgio-
9th & 11th Grade:
John Ngai-
Social Worker:
Zachary Darr-Rodriguez-
Guidance At Lab
Guidance counselors seek to facilitate communication between teachers, grade teams, other pupil personnel team members, and families. The aim of this model is to provide a sense of continuity for students, parents, and staff. Also, we hope to provide more opportunities for proactive social/emotional work with students. Our Director of College Counseling, Amanda Madenberg, will handle all aspects of the college application process.
Instructional Connection
The Guidance Department works to support students academically, socially, and emotionally. We provide an outlet for all students. In order to develop and maintain well adjusted , successful students, we interact with students, families, and colleagues in a multitude of ways. Guidance provides:
- A safe space for students & staff
- Group counseling via advisory sessions
- Academic counseling/transcript review
- College counseling/advisement
- Communication with parents/guardians
- Referrals to outside agencies,supports for students and parents
- Crisis counseling
- Conflict mediation
- Reports of suspicion of child abuse
- Individual mandated counseling
Information shared by students with Guidance is confidential
Call, text, or chat with NYC WELL today. Toll-free hotline for NYC that provides confidential and free assistance for mental health and substance use concerns.
- Single Point of access for all Mobile Crisis and Child Rapid Response Teams
- Staffed by trained Counselors 24 hours, 7 days per week, 365 days per year
- Peer Warmline available 24/7/365
- By Phone 1-888-NYC-WELL (692-9355)
- Text "WELL" to 65173
- Access chat through NYC WELL Website
Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Specialist (SAPIS)
SAPIS Counselor:
Sarah Ramos-
Substance Abuse:
The Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Specialists (SAPIS) program provides a range of prevention and intervention services in grades K-12. The goals of the program are to:
- Reduce the prevalence of substance abuse among youth
- Delay the initiation of substance abuse behavior among youth
- Decrease the negative health,social, and educational consequences associated with substance abuse
- Prevent the escalation of substance abuse behaviors to levels requiring treatment
Services Include:
- classroom lessons (using evidence-based programs)
- individual and group counseling
- positive alternative activities
- crisis intervention
- conflict resolution
- assessments and referrals for mental health and substance abuse services
- school-wide prevention projects
Students who are at risk for alcohol and substance abuse, gang involvement, suspension from school, disruptive behaviors, and violations of the Discipline Code, are referred to SAPIS for intervention services. SAPIS provide parent workshops that address alcohol and substance abuse issues as well as bullying and violence prevention. SAPIS provide crisis-response services to schools needing support during crisis incidents.